Crossville, TN , USA Coming Soon

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There is no book more important than The Holy Bible! It is the cornerstone of Western Civilization! It is that truth that sets people free and our ancestors and founders knew that! This nation is a Christian Nation founded on The Truth of The Holy Bible! 120 years before we became a nation and 190 years after we became a nation The Holy Bible was the main book used in churches, schools at every level, courthouses, capitol houses, government buildings, congressional buildings, oath swearings, millitary, etc..! But a radical marxist supreme court on June 17, 1963 going against 300 years of American precedent forced it out of schools, taking away our 1st Amendment Right! Well it is time to correct that mistake! We find it to important to wait on the courts to correct this mistake so we are working to provide parents and churches with the proper resources needed to create a Christian Community Church at their congregation meeting place or for concerned Christian parents who want to homeschool their children! We will have curricula, textbooks, lectures, presentations, projects, classroom project suggestions and so much more! So please contact us if you have any questions or comments or to volunteer your time and talents!

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Crossvile, TN USA

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