Crossville, TN , USA Coming Soon
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Dedicated to Bringing Back The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible is an inerrant manual to wisdom and happy life! But most importantly it was written by our Creator so that you can know Him and how you can spend eternity in bliss with Him! Furthermore, The Holy Bible is the foundation of Western Civilization and modern science! But unfortunately schools have left out the most important book that guided Americans and American schools for 300 years all the way until 1963! Now without the guidance of The Holy Scriptures we have become wise in our own eyes but in reality we have become fools! Rom 1:22 We are here to correct that mistake!

There is so much that we must do to correct this mistake! One very important step is fighting illiteracy! We need media of all kinds in order to start taking back the culture. We need to have the resources and the training to teach our neighbors, friends, family, and our congregation using science and reason why the Earth is young and evolution is a lie! Resources that provides evidence of intelligent design by a genius beyond genius Creator and that His Word is The Truth from cover to cover! But most importantly, we must be teaching the Truth, the inerrant Word of God, to our children! Our schools have failed (or have purposefully "dumbed" down) our children! And we must as Christians take on the responsibility of educating our children, in order to save our children from the insanity that has taken hold of our education system! This can be done by providing parents everything needed to home school or establish congregational schools that center around the Word of God and classic western education! We realize these are high reaching goals but we believe all things are possible with God!

Donations will be spent and volunteers will be put to use creating free resources for parents to home school their children and also to help congregations set up a community home school or school in the church building for the congregation and others! The resources will include curricula, lessons, teacher and student textbooks/workbooks, learning guides, media digital resources, and so much more! This is the central theme and core goal of BB Bible, creating a classic western education centered around The Word of God! And with your help Christian parents will finally be able to provide their children with a top notch quality education centered around Christ and The Word of God!

Donations will also be spent and volunteers will also be put to use fighting illiteracy! We plan on accomplishing this, of course with our education plan explained lower, but by also creating or purchasing a free video series to teach anyone how to read! In addition to a video series, we will create or purchase a book teaching anyone how to read! The book will be free digitally and if we can afford to print it and give it away we will! Others will be able to print it and give it away also but not sell it!

Donations will also be spent and volunteers will also be put to use creating and purchasing free top notch lessons/courses on Creation and the Creator for school, church, and the community! These lessons/courses will not only use science, reason, and logic but most importantly use The Holy Bible to show both the proof of the Creation while simultaneously proving the inerrancy of The Word of God! In addition to lessons, donations will go to developing school science books by partnering with industry leaders explaining the lies of evolution and replacing it with the proofs of intelligent design and creation!

Donations will also be spent and volunteers will also be put to use creating and purchasing free top notch lessons/courses on the history of The Church for school, church, and the community! These lessons will go through historical record of the bishops, elders, and strong Christians documented from the Apostle John until now!

Donations will also be spent on and volunteers will also be put to use creating and purchasing free top notch lessons/courses on the Christian founding of the United States and the Christians involved! These lessons will be developed for school, church, and the community! These lessons will examine the writings and recordings of the founding members of the USA to show their Christian roots but most importantly their intimate knowledge of The Bible, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, and The Heavenly Father!

While the most important part of BB Bible is most certainly Bringing Back the Bible, we must also bring back classic western education! This form of education teaches reason, critical thinking, abstract thought and so much more! It was the learning method for some of the greatest human minds ever! All modern science (real science) and our Constitution, our Republic was formed by Bible believing Christians taught using this method! It has proven its success! And your donations will go to return our children to a proven and successful method of teaching and learning!

We are living in such an awesome era of communication! We plan on putting donations to and putting volunteers to use utilizing all these different forms of communication like social media, video and audio platforms, networking via the internet, meeting places, media dissemination, blogs, websites and repositories for guidance and resources, virtual classrooms, software to help parents and congregations with schooling, data learning, and oh so much more!

Of course, as any business or non-profit does we have state and federal application and operating fees, legal and CPA fees, as well as standard business operating costs that donations help alleviate the cost of! We thank you and thank God so much for your patronage!

With all these important tasks laid out before us we believe as the Apostle Paul said to the Galatians 6:9, let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. We believe the fruits of this labor will be reaped not only for our posterity in creating a much more Godly society! But most importantly we will reap more souls to God to spend Eternal Life with our Savior, our Lord, our God forever and ever in paradise!! Oh how wonderful! The most important thing we can do is teach our children about God The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit using The Holy Bible! But almost as important, we must take on the attack against The Holy Bible being waged in our public schools so that we can teach our children The Holy Bible is true from cover to cover! By putting the power of educating back in the hands of Christian parents, providing everything they need to do so we can save our children and our nation!

Deut 11:19 And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

Thank you to all for all your help! But most importantly Thank You LORD God for all your help! Thank you Lord Jesus for providing us the only way into Heaven! And Thank you so much for your Holy Spirit given to comfort, strengthen, and guide us! Lord if it be in thy will please help those who are suffering in this world! Please comfort them and guide them to you! Lord if it be thy will use us, bless us, guide us, and protect us! And if it be thy will, please prosper this work! Thank you my Heavenly Father! I ask all things through your Son and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen!

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Crossvile, TN USA

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